River & Lakes

Looking for a sensor designed for river and lake level monitoring?

Look no further than the RadarIQ RIVER-1 sensor, made specifically for accurate distance measurement in outdoor environments such as around rivers and lakes.

Why monitoring is important

Regulatory compliance

Actively monitoring river and lake levels is very important for regulatory compliance and managing water allocations. Being able to know the levels of rivers and lakes allows better decision-making.

Modeling floods & storms

Storms and floods are part of the phenomena in the natural environment. By studying the effects of water movement on the natural environment, better models of flood-prone areas can be developed.

Managing water

Knowing the volume of water at present in lakes and rivers is important to be able to actively manage water. This could to to mitigate the effects of heavy rain events, or to ensure sufficient water is released from dams to ensure minimum river levels.

Global Warming

With the effects of global warming starting to make a measurable impact on water flows, it is more important than ever to be able to monitor the effects of river level so mitigation actions can be made before it is too late.

Environmental protection

Understanding river levels is important for protecting the environment. River levels which get too low because of land-use changes pose a massive problem to the natural ecosystem.



Provide information about river levels to the public so they make safe choices around their recreation activities.




We know it is hard to monitor rivers and lakes

  • Monitoring locations are often remote and accessing them is difficult which is why a set-and-forget solution is needed.
  • Weather can play havoc with sensors. Extreme heat, cold, wind, or storms all pose challenges to accurate monitoring.
  • Sufficient power is required to run the sensors and data acquiring platforms. Low-power sensors are ideally suited to remote installations, but not all sensors are created low-power.
  • A remote monitoring sensor setup can be expensive by the time all the components from sensor, solar panel and mounting brackets are factored in.
  • Data is not always clean. Environmental conditions can effect the quality of the data which can lead to false positive warnings being generated.

Why Radar?

Radar technology from RadarIQ is uniquely suited to river level measurement. It has many benefits compared to other sensing technologies.

Ultrasound Bubbler level sensor Pressure sensor RadarIQ
Can be installed above the river without needing submersion
Highly robust to rough weather and flows
Can be completely sealed from the environment
Sub-mm accuracy
Affordable enough to install everywhere
Focus on a specific patch of water

RadarIQ Options

Stand-alone sensor

The stand-alone sensor is designed to be incorporated into an existing monitoring solution or as part of a bespoke installation. This is the best option for situations where just the sensor is needed and all of the infrastructure around collecting and reporting readings is handled using other equipment.

Cloud-ready sensor & solution

RadarIQ are building a cloud-ready sensor & solution is a combination of sensor with cloud connectivity capabilities (solar panel, battery, modem) and cloud services for receiving and processing data. This is a great option for new sites because it is an affordable turn-key solution saving all the hassles of building custom hardware and infrastructure for connectivity. The cloud ready sensor is available as a stand-alone product. Cloud capabilities are an optional separate offering.

Distance and Velocity

River Level Sensing, Silo Monitoring, Wave Measurement, Industrial Automation - We produce reliable Radar Solutions for robust measuring in indoor and outdoor environments.

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